Tigh Drop 2023
Design build project
Produced by Do Anything
Tigh Drop Was a design build project with the transition year students of Colaiste Ghobnait as part of the 2023 Do Anything program. Led by Forerunner over a period of four months the students worked with guest artists and designers, to design and build a pavilion to serve as a temporary social space for students and their school. Alongside this the students took part in a weeklong Creative Education Programme where they learned how to programme and produce an event at the Pavilion and heard from a wide range of artists, entrepreneurs and professionals working across the creative industries.
Guests artists and designers were, Jordan Ralph, Materials Matter, Dawn Clinton, Oona Heubach, and Common Knowledge.
This project was funded by the Arts Council’s Young People, Children and Education Project Award. This award aims to create ambitious and original projects that enable children and young people at a key transition stage in their lives to engage in the arts.
Photographs by Mark McGuinness and the Artist